
More than 30 IDM realisations in the Czech Republic and abroad

AMI Praha Reference
Identity Management
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IdM midPoint development at Zentiva in 2019-2023

In 2019, a contract was signed for the supply of Evolveum’s IdM midPoint (MP) tool and over the course of 5 years, the installation, basic integration and connection of key end systems was completed. In addition, functional development of MP has taken place across a number of agreed production releases. The period then concluded with […]

Implementation and development of IdM midPoint at Fortuna

In 2021, a contract was signed for the supply of Evolveum’s IdM midPoint (MP) tool and over the course of 3 years, the installation, basic integration and connection of key end systems and functional development of MP was completed across a number of agreed production releases. There was also a technical upgrade from version 4.3 […]

Module for complex role management and access control module for ZČU in Pilsen

For over 10 years, the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (ZČU) has been using Sun IdM solutions for managing the identities of employees, students, and freelancers in central IdM applications. This solution was of high quality for its time and was among the best in the market. However, Oracle discontinued the development and support of the product at the end of 2014. This situation was unsustainable for ZČU in the long term, so it was decided to implement a new IdM tool, transfer some functionalities and optimize the processes associated with IdM.

Deployment and development of the SailPoint IdM solution for Avast

Reimplementation project aimed at replacing the open-source midPoint tool with an on-premises SailPoint solution. More than 2,500 accounts and dozens of roles are managed in the Avast environment.

Business process analysis for J&T Services

The need for a business analysis arose from the IdM project, where a gap was identified in the knowledge of the description of J&T Bank’s processes, and the current architecture and further strengthened by the needs of the solution (the objectives of the IdM project).